Magic Farm is the heartwarming and entertaining story of a young florist and her cute little dragon helper! The young girl wishes to save her beloved parents, who got lost in the jungle. But she needs money so she puts her florist skills to the test! Help her grow and sell various flowers and fruits to complete more than 25 challenging quests! You will need your green thumb, as well as your business savvy and decorating skills to reach your goal, but nothing is too difficult with a little magic on your side!
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Blog Archive
- Natalie Brooks: Secrets of Treasure House
- Cooking Academy
- The Lost Treasures of Alexandria
- Build-A-Lot 2: Town Of The Year
- Can You See What I See
- Zombie Shooter
- Runes of Avalon 2
- Burger Shop
- Westward II: Heroes of the Frontier
- Airport Mania: First Flight
- Khmer New Year
- Yahtzee Texas Hold 'Em
- Pat Sajak's Lucky Letters: TV Guide Edition
- Magic Farm
- Escape the Museum
- Astrategic Game
- Jane's Hotel 2: Family Hero
- Sprill: The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
- Band of Bugs
- The Count of Monte Cristo
- Age of Emerald
- Fishing Craze
- Astro Avenger 2